Retro and digital art


I’m drawn to the decorative arts and am fascinated by the abstract motifs created in the 40s/50s/60s and 70s to dress up everyday objects. Geometric, angular, curved, floral, stylized. With particular attention paid to the choice of their past color combinations, characteristic of vases, tables and antique curtains.

sur demande – On order
Bronze Drip is an abstract composition based on transverse drips. It is the rhythm of this liquid flowing back and forth across the canvas that sets the tone for the composition. Between the lines, a few touches of white and metallic bronze foil brighten things up and catch the eye. A retro red/orange duo, which goes perfectly with brick, or on a white background.
Année de création
Technique utilisée
Acrylics and pastels
on canvas (cotton & wood 2cm thick)
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