Geometrical works


Abstract compositions, geometric shapes and flat materials create a unique decorative universe. The voronoi diagram is a mathematical principle I like to explore. It’s a tessellation of the plane into adjacent cells, based on a discrete set of points called “seeds”.
The concept owes its name to the Russian mathematician Georgi Voronoi (1868-1908). It represents the decomposition of a metric space into adjacent cells, determined by the distances to a discrete set of objects in the space, a set of points. In the plane, cells are called Voronoi polygons. I add to these polygons various harmonious color palettes, both warm and cool. All the frames are different and vintage (Récup’ / chinages / brocantes… ) “

I’m passionate about old objects, and vintage frames found left and right take center stage in the creation of these little forlats with their geometric motifs. It’s the shape, style and size of the frame that will decide the final creation, going beyond the canvas. Being allergic to maths and particularly bad at it all through school, I was keen to explore this somewhat “infinite” mathematical concept, which takes its name from the Russian Voronoi. A friend explained it to me in a simple way, and I followed up with a few drawing tests. The result can be pushed as far as desired, right down to the infinitely small triangle. I love the volume and 3D effects created by these triangles and colors, and I love the combination of the antique frames and this very contemporary motif.
Année de création
Technique utilisée
Acrylic and marker
on canvas and vintage gold frame (recovery/chine)
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